Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Journey of 16K

I didn't start my run until after the littlest woke from her nap.  I'm still nursing her, and runs are still planned around her needs right now (and mine. Not nursing and running this far seems like a sure sign of a disaster to come).  All that to say, I didn't hit the pavement until 2:45 in the afternoon.  I was hoping for an 18K run today, but my body starts to shut down after 10K which I'm having a hard time with emotionally.  I know I've come really far, but I've been churning out these longer distances for a few months now, and they should be getting easier.  But surely enough today at 11K I felt like I hit a wall, and those last few kilometers were pure mental will.  I felt like I could have pushed out 2 more K, but the clock won.  It was nearly 5pm and I needed to get back home to my people and dinner.  

I need to decide where I will go after this half marathon in February.  I know for sure a full marathon isn't in the near future, and that 10K would be a reasonable place for a Mom of three to settle.  But saying that and typing that feels disappointing to someone whose life used to be spent working around a marathon schedule. I need some time to think through it all so that my head and heart are in the same place.

Today I'm thankful for legs that can carry me 16K.  For shining sun, and a beautiful river.  For family and friends that cheer me on, and a hubby who makes my long run running needs a priority on our weekends.

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